The BISD tip line is intended for reporting information or concerns related to fraud, and misuse/abuse of district resources. Issues related to instruction or athletics, or personnel matters concerning teachers or coaches or other staff should be addressed at the campus level consistent with district complaint policies found at FNG, DGBA and GF. Please contact the school principal if you have complaints that are not related to fraud or waste of district resources. Parents with student concerns may also contact the Principal in Residence at the main administration building.
The BISD tip line is checked on a regular basis, but not on a daily time schedule. Therefore, if your concern is an emergency, or involves a health or safety threat, please dial 911. If this is not an emergency and you wish to phone in your tip rather than log the tip online, you can dial 1–409–202–6083. This is a toll-free call; however, you must dial 1 and the area code in order to be connected to the tip line.
Providing your name and contact information is always optional; however, we may not be able to follow up on some tips if you do not provide complete information. For that reason, please consider providing your contact information.