About Title II Programs

  • Title II, Part A of ESEA – the Improving Teacher Quality State Grants program:
    These funds can be used to prepare, train, and recruit high-quality teachers and principals capable of ensuring that all children will achieve high standards.  School districts must incorporate scientifically based strategies that have been shown to increase student academic achievement.


    High-quality Professional Development
    The term “high-quality professional development” means professional development that meets the criteria contained in the definition of professional development in Title IX, Section 9101(34) of NCLB.  Professional development includes, but is not limited to, activities that:

    1. Improve an increase teachers’ knowledge of academic subjects and enable teachers to become highly qualified;
    2. Are an integral part of broad school-wide and district-wide educational improvement plans;
    3. Give teachers and principals the knowledge and skills to help students meet challenging State academic standards;
    4. Improve classroom management skills;
    5. Are sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused and are not one-day or short-term workshops;
    6. Advance teacher understanding of effective instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research; and
    7. Are developed with extensive participation of teachers, principals, parents, and administrators.