Pathways Alternative Learning Center
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General Information
The objective of Pathways Learning Center is to provide quality instruction in a positive restrictive, well-structured environment. The school hopes to distinguish the difference between the strict atmosphere of Pathways and the relative freedoms and opportunities on the main campus. We want students who have been unsuccessful in a regular educational setting to achieve academically, to learn behavioral and interpersonal skills and to develop the self-esteem necessary for them to function more effectively both as students and as members of our schools and community. Pathways Learning Center holds Orientation Sessions Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 8:30 a.m. Students and parents should arrive at least fifteen minutes early to sign in and start the registration process.
Schedules and Credit:
The Pathways Learning Center is the Beaumont ISD Discipline Alternative Education Program (DAEP) with certified and highly qualified staff, with the responsibility to teach state and locally mandated curriculum. However, with a small staff, we will teach the state-mandated courses for a discipline alternative school- Mathematics, English/Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. Students will be enrolled in electives comparable to campus electives where with grades earned at Pathways being averaged in with grades on the main campus for all electives.
Student Supply List:
- Pens
- Pencils
- Notebook Paper (includes Spirals)
**Backpacks and binders are not allowed**
Photo I.D.
All students will have a photo ID issued to them and it must be visible at all times. I.D. pictures will be hung around the neck with the lanyard provided by the school. If photo ID is defaced, the student is out of dress code and must purchase a new one before being allowed to go to class. The replacements costs of an ID card is $2 and the lanyard $3.
School Day:
Pathways Learning Center services grades 6-12 and is on the Beaumont ISD high school schedule. The school day begins at 7:20am and ends at 2:35pm. For the safety and security of the campus all students must go through a metal detector or be “wanded” before being allowed to remain on campus.
Transportation - 409 -617-5615
Students who live outside a two-mile radius from Pathways are eligible for bus service. However, it may take up to three school days to assign a route to your child. Please make other arrangements until a bus can be assigned. The school should be made aware of address changes as soon as possible. Students who are eligible for bus transportation are encouraged to use the district’s bus service rather than the city transportation system to eliminate potential problems walking to and from the bus stop.
Students may purchase their lunch or participate in the Federal Meal Program. Parents may call 409-617-5065 (Nutrition Services) to have questions answered concerning eligibility for the lunch program. Students are not to bring food, drinks, or snacks to school. Students are not allowed to chew gum in the classroom. All students may eat breakfast without charge as the district absorbs the cost of the meal.
Distribution of medication will be coordinated by the school nurse or a person designated by the principal. Students are not allowed to possess any prescription or over the counter medication. A permission form for medication must be on file in the nurse’s office. The Student Handbook has more details on the district’s medication policy.
Hall Conduct:
Middle School and High School: Students will remain with the same cadre of students throughout the school day. The teacher will escort the group to lunch and PE. Students will walk on the right side of the hall, in a straight line, during transition. Transition will occur in a quiet and orderly manner. Students are to stand without leaning on the walls during the transitions. Students are expected to be in dress code at all times.
Teachers will take their classes at designated times (one morning and one afternoon) during the day to the restroom. If there is a medical reason that causes a student to need to use the restroom more frequently, a doctor’s note must be on file with the school nurse.
Office Visits:
Students who need to go to the nurse, office, counselor, etc… must be escorted by a staff member.
Closed Campus:
Students must have permission from the appropriate school authority to leave the campus. Failure to obtain permission before leaving will be considered severe misbehavior and will be dealt with in a manner consistent with that level of misbehavior.
After breakfast, students will be checked for adherence to the dress code, supplies, and other requirements, before going to class. Students will be informed of classroom procedures and expectations at this time.