• Refunds for students/parents can be processed using student/campus activity funds. 

    Examples of refunds: 

    • Payment for a field trip that the student did not attend. 
    • Payment of a summer school class that the student did not take. 
    • Payment of senior activities that the student will not participate in.
    • Student fees (lost library/textbooks that were returned, Chromebook lost items that were subsequently found).
    Activity fund refunds are processed at the campus. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Activity Fund Office. Please do not have the parent call the Business Office.
    For refunds where a BISD receipt was written, obtain a copy of the receipt, complete an SAF 104, and enter it in TEAMS as a Non-Employee Reimbursement. Attach the SAF-104 and receipt in TEAMS as support.
    For My School Bucks (MSB) refund requests, obtain information from the requester (student name and ID number, amount paid, payment date, event). Contact the Activity Funds Office to verify payment in MSB. A refund will be submitted through MSB. in cases where the refund cannot be submitted through MSB, the campus will enter a Non-Employee Reimbursement in TEAMS less the processing fee charges. Also attach a completed SAF 104 as additional support.