• Activity Fund Automated Reports

    Student (865) Accounts

    Account balance and transactions monthly reports for activity funds are now automated. The report will be emailed to the principal, bookkeeper/secretary, and activity fund sponsors on the first of each month.

    The bookkeeper/secretaries are responsible for setting up and maintaining the sponsor list so the appropriate reports will be emailed each month.

    Instructions for initial setup of sponsor list:

    • The Bookkeeper/Secretary is to contact sponsors/staff to identify which clubs will be active for the school year.
    • The Bookkeeper/Secretary will then access https://www19.bmtisd.com/o/stuact/ to add the email addresses to the sponsor list.
      • Go to the bottom of the page and in the row labeled “ADD”, enter the sponsor’s district email address in the “recipient email” column, update org (replacing the XXX), and enter the project code at the end of the “report account string”, replacing the last *.
      • Click on the “Save Changes” button. Check that the new email and account string code was entered correctly (the blue “Add” row will remain and a new row will be added).
      • Repeat for every active sponsor.
    • The campus principal and secretary/bookkeeper are already set up to receive all accounts each month.

    Maintenance of activity fund sponsor list:

    • The sponsor list is to be reviewed at the beginning of each school year. Updates are needed when:
      • New sponsor/club
      • New bookkeeper/secretary
      • Previous year’s sponsor is not returning and a replacement is identified. Make sure to delete the inactive sponsor. To remove a sponsor, type DELETE (all caps) in the ‘Delete column’ and click ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the screen.

    To add someone who should get all accounts, enter their email address and leave the default account string as is with the * as the last character of the string.   For example, for the principal at West Brook, the account code string would be entered as:   865.00.2190.00.008.00.*. This option should only be set up for the principal and bookkeeper/secretary unless the principal has appointed a designee (backup).

    Campus (461) Accounts

    The campus principal and secretary/bookkeeper are already set up to receive all accounts each month.

    Currently, the only campus lists to set up are:

    • Library - Setup the librarian (where applicable)
      • 461.*.*.*.xxx.*.C32
    • Counselor/Guidance – Setup for your counselor (where applicable)
      • 461.*.*.*.xxx.*.C18