Happy First Day of School
Campus personnel and homeroom teachers are encouraged to use the resources provided below to review District information with students on the first day of school.
Student Code of Conduct
Student Code of Conduct Distribution and Education Plan for Principals
Principals should review the information shared in this document to assist with ensuring that EVERY BISD student is aware of the expectations expressed in the Code of Conduct by the earliest possible date.
SCC Distribution and Education Plan for Principals.docx.pdf 81.22 KB (Last Modified on June 17, 2024) -
Student Code of Conduct Instructions for Principals
Principals should follow the instructions listed in this document as they pertain to the Student Code of Conduct presentations.
Student Code of Conduct Presentation Instructions for Teachers
Homeroom teachers should follow the instructions in this document to share the Code of Conduct presentation with their Homeroom class.
Student Code of Conduct Presentation Briefing Points for Teachers
Homeroom teachers should use the information in this document to be prepared to discuss the Student Code of Conduct presentation and respond to student questions as appropriate.
Code of Conduct Presentation Briefing Points for Teachers.docx.pdf 112.23 KB (Last Modified on June 17, 2024) -
First Day Presentation Acknowledgement Form 2024-25
After reviewing the Student Code of Conduct handbook, Student Handbook, and the Code of Conduct Presentation, homeroom teachers should have all present students print and sign this acknowledgment form. After all present students have signed the form, the homeroom teacher should return this completed form to the front office. If a homeroom class consists of more than 20 students, the homeroom teacher should print additional copies, as needed, and staple them together before submitting the completed forms to the front office.
Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement Form 2024-25
Students should bring this acknowledgment form home for their parent/guardian, and return it to their homeroom teacher. Copies of these handbooks can be accessed at https://www.bmtisd.com/Page/231.
If parents/guardians would like a printed copy of these handbooks, please direct them to the campus principal.
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook.docx.pdf 69.55 KB (Last Modified on June 17, 2024) -
BISD Student Handbook 2024-25
This is a downloadable/printable BISD 2024-25 Student Handbook.
Beaumont ISD Student Code of Conduct 2024-25
This is a downloadable/printable copy of the 2024-25 Beaumont ISD Student Code of Conduct.
Student Code of Conduct Video
Cell Phone Policy Video
District Devices and Digital Behavior
BISD Elementary School Digital Behavior Agreement
All Beaumont ISD elementary students should complete this Digital Code of Conduct agreement, and submit the signed document to their Homeroom teacher.
BISD Elementary School Digital Behavior Agreement (Spanish)
All Beaumont ISD elementary students should complete this Digital Code of Conduct agreement, and submit the signed document to their Homeroom teacher.
BISD Elementary School Digital Behavior Agreement.Spanish.pdf 123.1 KB (Last Modified on June 17, 2024) -
BISD Middle School and High School Digital Behavior Agreement
All Beaumont ISD Middle and High School students should complete this Digital Code of Conduct agreement, and submit the signed document to their Homeroom teacher.
BISD Middle School and High School Digital Behavior Agreement.pdf 129.52 KB (Last Modified on June 17, 2024) -
BISD Middle and High School Digital Behavior Agreement (Spanish)
All Beaumont ISD Middle and High School students should complete this Digital Code of Conduct agreement, and submit the signed document to their Homeroom teacher.
BISD Middle School and High School Digital Behavior Agreement.Spanish.pdf 132.12 KB (Last Modified on June 17, 2024)