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My School Bucks (MSB)

Beaumont Independent School District

My School Bucks (MSB) School Store Procedures


The district has an agreement with My School Bucks (MSB) to provide an online payment solution. In an effort to reduce the amount of cash received at the campus, MSB will be used to collect fundraising proceeds, club dues, student fees, etc. Note, there may be instances where cash needs to be collected. Let this be the exception, not the rule.

These procedures will provide guidance to campuses on how to request to put a product on the BISD online school store as well as other processes.


Ensure the Fees/Products are Allowed

Examples of allowable fees/products (not all inclusive):

  • Student organization membership fees
  • Uniform Fees
  • Yearbooks
  • Testing Fees
  • FFA Fees
  • Parking Permits
  • Cell Phone Fines
  • Library Fines
  • Fundraising Items


Ensure Fundraisers are Approved

Before submitting a product request for a fundraiser, a Fundraiser Approval Form must be submitted and approved in Eduphoria.

Complete the New Product/Product Update Form

Click on the link  and complete in full (or highlight and copy the link and copy it in your browser). Any additional details are to be emailed to your campus secretary/bookkeeper. This information will be forwarded to the Activity Funds Office to include in your product setup.

Have the following information ready before accessing the form:

  • Club Name
  • Fundraiser Number (on all fundraisers)
  • Club (Activity Fund) Account Number
  • Sponsor Name
  • Product/Fundraiser Name
  • Start/End Date of Event
  • Price(s)
  • Information to be captured in report (i.e. grade level, cell number, shirt sizes, etc.)
  • Product Quantity Availability (unlimited or specific number of items)
  • Description for purchaser (i.e. no refunds, includes uniform/shirt, etc.)
  • Product availability (general public, district wide, campus only)
  • Grade levels (all, or specific grades)
  • Graphics (email a pic to your campus secretary/bookkeeper)
  • Email notifications (you can opt to receive an email each time a purchase is made)
  • Tax-free day? (two tax-free days – one per semester per bona-fide student club)


Product Setup in MSB

Currently, the Activity Funds Office is setting up products in MSB. When a product is set up or updated, an email will be sent to the campus secretary/bookkeeper along with a draft flyer with a QR to share with students and parents. The product is now ready to receive payments.

It is suggested you review your QR code and product and any questions/changes be communicated immediately.

MSB Account Setup

Encourage parents to set up an MSB account. Account set up is free.

  1. Go to
  2. Create your free account. Log in and select Beaumont ISD as your district.
  3. Add your students to your Household using their school, name and student ID.
  4. Add school items or invoices to your cart.
  5. Check out using your credit/debit card or electronic check.

Making Payments Online

Items and fees are set up as products online for purchasers

  • Product purchases – purchasers will be able to log in and see items available for purchase based on how their account is set up. They will be able to see the products that are district wide, and products at the schools where their student(s) is/are enrolled.
  • Invoices – Invoices can be entered in MSB for specific products/fees and are emailed to the parent/guardian. Note, the parent/guardian must have an account set up with an email in order to receive the invoice notification.
  • Processing Fees – purchasers will be charged a 4.95% processing fee.

Recording Purchases made to your Account

When purchases are made, funds are deposited into the district’s activity funds bank account. Deposits are settled twice weekly and will be posted to the activity account number provided in the product set up request.

MSB Reports

Payment Detail reports can be downloaded and printed in MSB. It is important to document all the information in the product setup that you want included on your report.

Reports can provide sponsors with information on club members, shirt sizes, etc. Also, any additional information you want club members/purchasers to know can be included.

Financial reports can be used to complete the Financial Reporting Form in Eduphoria. The Financial Reporting Form is to be completed within 5 days of the end of a fundraiser.

My School Bucks is used for fees, dues, and products. For ticketed events, use Hometown Ticketing.



Complete the form or use the Google Form above to request a new product setup in MSB


SAF-109                          Club Account # __________                   Fundraiser # __________

My School Bucks

New Product/Product Update Request


_________________________       __________________________

Club Name                        Sponsor Name


If this is a fundraiser, do not submit this form until after a Fundraiser Approval Form has been completed in Eduphoria and approved by the principal.

Product/Fundraiser Name:      _____________________________________________


Price (if multiple pricing, provide details):

Price 1 ________  Price 2 _________   Price 3 ________  Price 4 __________

Event Start Date: ________________       Event End Date: _________________

Additional Information for Reporting (check items to include):

Member/Student Name                □        Student ID #                  □

Student Grade Level                     □        Cell Phone #                □

Guardian Name/Phone Number   □        Shirt Size                      □

Product Quantity Available (UNL if unlimited): _____________________________

For products with limited quantities, attach a product list with availability (by product, shirt size, etc.) to this form.

Description (provide details to the purchaser, for example - no refunds, annual dues, club dues include uniform/shirt, etc.)


Product Availability:                General Public               Yes    □                 No     □

District Wide                  Yes    □                 No     □

Campus only                  Yes    □                 No     □

If limited to certain grades, list grades: __________________________________

Will you be invoicing specific students?           Yes    □        No     □

If yes, attach the list of students to this form.

Do you have a graphic (pic) you want to display? Yes    □        No     □

  • If yes, submit via email to your campus secretary/bookkeeper.

If you want email notifications, provide email address: _______________________ 

Note – you will receive an email every time a payment is made.

Is this a taxable event?            Yes    □        No     □

Submit completed form to your secretary/bookkeeper to be entered into My School Bucks. You will be informed when set up is completed and a QR code will be emailed. The QR code can be printed and displayed which will direct purchasers to My School Bucks.

Office use: Secretary/Bookkeeper – initial and date when setup in My School Bucks is complete: _____________________


Revised 11/2021