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Taxable Sales

State and local sales taxes shall be imposed and collected on all sales for:

Agenda Books

Magazine subscriptions

Art Supplies and work of art

Musical supplies-recorders, reeds

Artistic CD’s, tapes, videos

Parts-career & Technology classes (not to include products used in cosmetology

Athletic-equipment and uniforms


Auction items sold

PE uniforms, supplies

Automotive-parts and supplies


Band-equipment, supplies patches, badges, uniform sales and rental

Pictures-school, group (if school is the seller)

Book Covers

Plants- holiday greenery and poinsettias

Books-workbooks, vocabulary, library, author (when we are the seller)

Rentals-equipment of any kind

Book Fairs – all books sold

Rentals-uniforms of any kind, towels

Brochure Items

Repair to tangible personal property (i.e, computer repair, house remodeling)


Rings and other school jewelry


Rummage, yard and garage sales


Safety supplies

Car-painting, pin striping

School publications-athletic programs, posters

Clothing-school, club, class, spirit

School publications-brochures


Computer-supplies, mouse pads

School publications-newsletters, newspapers (generally not sold though)

Cups-glass, plastic, paper

School publications-reading books


School publications-sheet music, hymnals

Directories-student, faculty

School publications-yearbooks


School store – all items (except food)

Family and Consumer Science-supplies and sewing kits

Science-science kits, boards, supplies

Fees-copies, printing, laminating

Spirit items

Flowers-roses, carnations, arrangements

Stadium seats

Greeting Cards



Supplies- any sold to students

Horticulture Items

Uniforms-any type to include PE, dance team, drill team, cheerleaders, athletic, club shirts

Hygiene Supplies

Vending-pencils and other non-edible supplies when the school services the machine

Identification Cards – when they are sold to the entire student body (not just the fine for a lost ID)

Woodworking crafts- entire sales to include parts and labor

Locks-sales and rentals

Yard signs