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Welcome to Budget Department

Budget Header

The Budget Department is responsible for developing and overseeing the district's annual budget. The department's goal is to maximize financial resources and to equitably distribute these resources to schools and departments to ensure that the public's investment in our students, staff and schools is properly used.

School districts are required by state law to adopt an annual budget for the General Fund, Debt Service Fund and the Food Services Fund.  The proposed budget is presented to the BISD Board of Trustees for consideration and final adoption.  The annual budget must be adopted before any funds can be spent.  Throughout the fiscal year, budget amendments are presented to the board as necessary to continue the operations of the school district.




Contact Us

Tonya Stelly
Coordinator Budget/Accounts Payable

p: 409-617-5248
f:  409-617-5182


Vera Davis
Budget Specialist   
p: 409-617-5091


Administration Bldg.
3395 Harrison Ave.
Beaumont TX 77706