4th Grade Resources
4th Grade Resources
Click the categories below to view the various online resources available. Please note: while we make every attempt to ensure that the links presented here are current and operational, we cannot guarantee the validity of these links/resources and the district is not responsible for any content presented outside of the district's website.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
Academic Vocabulary - 4th Grade
Reading/Language Arts
MyOn Digital Library
Beaumont ISD is providing MyOn for FREE to all district students, ages K-12. MyOn provides thousands of engaging fiction and nonfiction books that also include audio support and tools for highlighting and making notes on the digital book.
Username/Password information -- Use your student ID number for both your username and password.
Storyline Online
The Screen Actors Guild Foundation has a wonderful story read along website, Storyline Online. Well-known actors read popular children's picture books. The narration is accompanied by illustrations from the book. Each book has accompanying lesson plan ideas and activities.
Mysteries Online
Mysteries for Kids -- mysteries are a great way to invigorate young minds.
Spelling City
Online practice with Zaner-Bloser Spelling.
Username/Password information:
Username: txstudent
Password: zbspelling
School ID: txschool
Jeopardy Game Online
Students can practice reading skills as they relate to the 4th grade STAAR Reading assessment.
Free Rice
Free Rice is a vocabulary practice for all ages and levels. For every correct answer, rice is donated to an impoverished country. At the end of the month, the site owner calculates how much rice was donated and ships it to the selected country to provide food for others.
Articles Online
A free online newspaper for kids aged 8 - 15. It is updated daily with stories from the Associated Press that are chosen based on relevance to this age range.
Poetry Online
Access many poems and activities related to poetry.
4th Grade Reading STAAR Vocabulary
Students can play games on Quizlet using the most common STAAR Reading terms.
4th Grade STAAR Terms (General)
Students can play games on Quizlet using the most common STAAR Reading terms.
Cloze Reading - Mr. Nussbaum
Cloze Reading is where students try to figure out what the missing key words are in a passage. This type of activity greatly helps students with comprehension skills, sequencing, and more.
Vocabulary Practice - Mr. Nussbaum
General vocabulary practice.
Reading Comprehension - Mr. Nussbaum
Select a grade level to access a variety of passages with comprehension questions.
Highlights Online
Highlights Online is the Highlights kids magazine in an online website form with stories, jokes, kids news, current events, and reading and language arts games. It is a great learning and family interactive website.
Accelerated Reader (AR)
AR Bookfinder
Check any book to see if it is on Accelerated Reader. Just type the title into the search bar to find out if it has an AR quiz, how many points it is worth, what the reading level (BL - Book Level) is, and a brief summary of the book.
AR Tracker (For Parents)
Check on your child’s Accelerated Reader progress any time and receive text /email alerts when they take a quiz.
Username/Password information:
The user name is the child’s school ID number and the password is their birthday (two digit month, day, year)
Student ID: 123456
Password: 011509 if the birthdate is January 15, 2009
Writing Resources
4th Grade Grammar Flashcards
Practice your grammar terms here.
Can you identify correctly punctuated sentences?
Sentence Repair
Repair some messed up sentences here.
Combining Sentence Practice
Can you figure out how to combine sentences correctly?
Who Wants to be a Millionaire
How well do you know your homophones? It is likely you will need to use at least some of these correctly on STAAR. Play a Millionaire game to check yourself.
Who Wants to be a Millionaire - Revision Practice
Editing and Revision practice with a Millionaire game!
Who Wants to be a Millionaire - Fragments and Runons
Play the Millionaire game to identify fragments and run-ons.
Who Wants to be a Millionaire - Double Negatives
Another Millionaire game that tests your ability to avoid double negatives.
Scholastic - Transition Words
Transition words practice.
ESL Games Plus
Practice subject/verb agreement.
You Get to be the Teacher - Mr. Nussbaum
You get to be the teacher! Grade and correct another student's work at this site.
Practice revision skills.
STAAR Practice - Extraneous Information in Paragraphs
Can you figure out what information does NOT need to be included in a paragraph? This is an important skill for STAAR Writing.
Portland Proofreading
Practice a variety of proofreading skills with these games.
Writing Practice - Mr. Nussbaum
Can you identify the errors in these sentences? Give it a try! These activities are appropriate for elementary or middle school.
How well can you recognize errors in spelling or grammar? Take some of these assessments and see your results.
Deluxe Paragraphs - Mr. Nussbaum
For ages 8-12... Targets-Parts of Speech (nouns, plural nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs) Create a hilarious story using your knowledge of nouns, verbs, adjectives, plural nouns, and adverbs. First, choose the shark story or the farm story.
Scholastic Story Starters
Story starters is a creative writing website sponsored by Scholastic. This site provides a variety of prompts to help build writing fluency and creativity.
Math Resources
Math Blaster
Fun way to learn math facts.
Game On - Increasing Learning Through Online Games
Games to help reinforce math skills at the upper elementary level.
Interactive Math Glossary
The Interactive Math Glossary is provided by the Texas Education Agency to help explore and understand mathematics vocabulary used in the grades K–8 TEKS. You can also download the Interactive Math Glossary app through the iTunes app store.
Think Central
Think Central provides the digital Student Edition eBook, Math iTools, Math Concept Readers, Math on the Spot Videos, and Mega Math games.
Username/password information:
Username – student Id# @bmtisd.com
Password – student id#
Study Jams
Study Jams offers step-by-step instruction on different math concepts.
Xtramath provides practice for fact fluency.
Contact your student's teacher for the username/password.
Prodigy Math
Prodigy has content from all major topics and will seamlessly cover Grades 1 - 8 to help ensure your students are ready for standardized testing. With a diagnostic test to place students in the correct grade, embedded assessments, and automatic differentiation, Prodigy ensures that each one of your students succeed at their own pace.
Contact your student's teacher to get the username/password.
Math Resources (For Parents)
Texas Assessment Management System for Families
Information on the STAAR test and how to help your child prepare.
Math4Texas showcases the Math TEKS by grade level with tips, examples, digital tools, and videos to help parents understand the math concepts and skills that their children are learning.
Texas Education on iTunesU
Provides multimedia content to educators, students, and parents in Texas and around the world.
Content collections
- include 84 unique collections, featuring fully downloadable video, podcasts, and PDF files are available in the foundation curriculum (English language arts and reading, mathematics, science, social studies) and in some enrichment curriculum (career and technology education, fine arts, and technology applications)
- are provided by Texas school teachers and public school districts; regional education service centers; institutions of higher education; Texas museums, non-profits, and professional organizations; and Texas state agencies, including the Texas Education Agency
Bilingual/Spanish Resources
Department of Education Math Activities
This website has English and Spanish math activities parents can do with their child.
Department of Education - Reading Activities
This website has English and Spanish reading activities that will assist parents in helping their child become a better reader.
ELL Texas
This website provides parents with information including the TEKS in English and Spanish.
Department of Education - General Resources
This website gives parents strategies on how to help their child be successful in school in English and Spanish.
IXL (Reading)
This website provides Spanish reading activities.
GetEpic (Reading)
Books in Spanish, bilingual Spanis/English, Read-to-Me, etc. Quizzes available.
PBS (Reading/Math/Science)
Parenting guidance to teach their students. It includes games, videos, etc.
Reading Con Migo (Reading)
Free books in Spanish.
RockaLingua (Reading/Math)
Reading, Grammar, Math, songs, & games.
The Learning Patio (Reading/Math/Science/Social Studies)
Reading, Grammar, Writing prompts, Math, Science, S. Studies.
Mundo Primaria (Reading/Math/Science)
Reading (includes audio books), Math, & Science free activities and games.
Color In Colorado (Reading)
This is a Spanish Reading website with many reading resources.