Device Protection Plan
Even if you are opting out, this form must be completed.
Opting in is $30, and Opting out is $0
{NOTE: If you are Opting Out it is still necessary to go to the cart and check out for $0}
If you do not have a MySchoolBucks Account, create one.
Create a My School Bucks account and Link your student(Picture Help)
- After creating the account, choose Get Started.
- Your School is in the Beaumont Independent School District.
- Add your student with their ID and their name as registered in school.
- MySchoolBucks Parent Support - Translators available (855) 832-5226
24-25 Device Protection Plan Information
Plan de protección de dispositivos parea el año escolar 24-25
Link to Purchase the Device Protection Plan
- You do not have to save your card in the program.
Diagram of Billable Parts & Chromebook Repair Request Form
- Accidents to keyboards and screens are a part of life.
- Save money with the plan.
- Your student's name is on the list and should be checked before being billed.
- One Time use - Renewed Each Year
MySchoolBucks Parent Support - Translators available (855) 832-5226