The Beaumont Independent School District offers regularly scheduled, free developmental screenings for children age 3-5 years old. These screenings, called CHILD FIND, provide an opportunity for early childhood professionals to look at your child’s development and compare it to other children their age. We can also assist you in arranging for the screening of babies and toddlers under 3 years of age.
Parents should contact the Office of Special Education Services if they:
- have a question whether their child has a disability
- are concerned about their infant, toddler, or preschooler's development
- know their child has a disability and are looking for appropriate educational services
- would like to know how to help their school-age child succeed in school
What is Child Find?
The process of locating and evaluating children with disabilities is referred to as "Child Find." The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 requires all school districts to locate, evaluate and provide services for individuals ages 3 to 21, who may have a disability. For children birth to 3 years, contact your local Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Chapter at (409) 784-5435.
Beaumont Independent School District identifies and evaluates children ages 3 through 21 who may have a suspected disability. This free evaluation will help determine if your child qualifies as a child with a disability condition under IDEA. A parent, staff member, or outside person may refer a student to their local school by contacting the child’s classroom teacher, campus counselor, school principal or the Special Education Department at (409) 617-5277.