RtI is the practice of (1) providing high quality instruction/intervention matched to student needs and (2) a multi level systematic process used to help struggling students (3) monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about changes in instruction or goals and applying child response data to important educational decisions.
1. "High quality instruction/intervention" is defined as instruction/intervention matched to student need that has been demonstrated through specific research and practice to produce high learning rates for most students.
2. RtI allows a district to monitor progress of all students to ensure the effectiveness of its entire educational program and to address the needs of struggling students based on specific data.
Beaumont ISD uses Renaissance Learning's STAR 360 assessment three times each school year to conduct a Universal Screening of all students K-10 in reading math. Students requiring intervention in one area or both are monitored more regularly with STAR 360 to track the efficacy of ongoing instruction and intervention initiatives.
Betsy Miller
CoordinatorAdministration Annex
4315 Concord Rd.
Beaumont TX 77703p: 409-617-5228
f: 409-617-5199