Principal Mellow Tatmon
Dear Parents,
For those of you new to the Beaumont Independent School District I say, “Welcome”. To those who have students already enrolled or previously enrolled in a BISD school, I say, “It’s good to have you back”, and to all, I would like to express how excited I am to have this opportunity to partner with you and your child’s teacher for the current school year. It’s our goal to provide an educational experience that will prepare your child for future success in Kindergarten.
The early experiences young learners have greatly influence the rest of a child’s educational progress. The enriching experiences provided by parents and teachers in a prekindergarten year can deliver a strong foundation for future success in school. It is our desire to provide thoughtful experiences that cause your child to blossom and become a successful learner.
We believe every child deserves the best possible education that can be offered to them. Our team works together daily to make this happen. Our teachers and paraprofessionals lead students in the acquisition of basic skills and allow them to participate in meaningful, relevant learning experiences.
The Lucas Pre-K Staff recognizes the importance of a strong home-school connection. Parents are every child’s first teacher and I believe that by working together, we can make sure your child’s social, emotional, and academic needs are met. We welcome your input, feedback, and support, which will be critical for the teaching and learning environment, and above all, to the success of your child at school.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve your family as the principal of Lucas Pre-K Center. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas you would like to share. I look forward to working with you.
Mellow Tatmon, Principal
Lucas Pre-K Center
(409) 617-6450