Testing Information
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Phone: 409-617-7494
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Ebony Sparks - Campus Testing Coordinator
Ms. Sparks joined our team in 2022 and has become an asset to the campus as the Testing Coordinator. Please contact her for any questions regarding testing on campus. Please use the links on this page to learn more about tests that are offered.
Learning Express
Learning Express is a career, college, and military prep resource through TexQuest that has TSI, SAT, ACT, ASVAB, etc. practice tests, as well as STAAR and career resources. Students should never have to buy those expensive practice test books! It does not require a password, but it will prompt users to create a personal account so that it can save user progress. There's also help for professionals taking graduate certification tests! The link below is defaulted to the High School Library menu, but anyone can explore the Public Library side, as well, which has GED prep and other skills that apply to a wider public audience. Contact the librian with any questions.