Welcome to Federal Programs & Grants
The ultimate goal of the Federal Programs & Grants is to improve student achievement. The program strives to increase student performance and assist campuses through data-driven decision making, ensuring all facets of the District are equipped with optimal resources in order to achieve student success.
The program utilizes all avenues in assisting campuses in their move to optimal campus and District success, receiving more than $10 million per year to complete this goal.
Based on data collected at each six weeks benchmarking period, the Title I Supervisors visit campuses with campus-developed action plans in order to assist where needed, and assure any and all measures are being taken to facilitate student success.
Public Notice
Public Notice/Comment - Beaumont ISD and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
This is a notification that Beaumont ISD intends to apply for and is seeking comment on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) grant funded under the U.S. Department of Education.
In accordance with United States Code (USC) Annotated, Title 20, Chapter 70, Subchapter IX, Part C, Section 7846, and Public Law (P.L.) 114-95, Every Student Success Act (ESSA), Section 8306; Beaumont ISD is seeking public comment on this application. If you have comments on the ESSA Beaumont ISD grant, please contact the Department of Federal Programs.
In addition to public comment, Beaumont ISD is also seeking Private Non Profit participation with ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) as it provides equitable services to participating private nonprofit schools that are physically located within the boundaries of Beaumont ISD. If you are a Private Non Profit within the Beaumont ISD boundaries and would like to participate, please contact the Department of Federal Programs.
The Beaumont ISD Department of Federal Programs can be contacted at 409-617-5745 or dbarbay@bmtisd.com or by mail at 4315 Concord Rd. Beaumont, TX 77703.
Please contact the Department of Federal Programs by June 29,2021 for public comment or participation.
Contact Us
D'Lana Barbay
Director of Federal Programs/GT
Administration Annex
4315 Concord Rd.
Beaumont TX 77706
p: 409-617-5218
f: 409-617-5288