The Murry J. Frank Planetarium is an extension of the Beaumont ISD classroom. Our
goal is to encourage the thoughtful, observing, and curious scientists in all our students
by using concrete models to represent the abstract concepts of space science.
Studying the night sky helps us find our place in time and space. Astronomy has existed
for as long as humans have lived on the Earth. Early man looked to the sky and noticed
how heavenly bodies moved in predictable patterns. These patterns allowed people to
track time in days, weeks, months, and years. The patterns of stars also helped them
identify where they were on their planet.
The Frank Planetarium seats 62 in its 30 ft dome and has a Spitz A3P Projector.
The Astronomical Society of South East Texas meets here on the 2nd Friday of each month. Check the Current Events page for more details. The public is welcome.
Contact Us
Sharon Rigsby
Planetarium Teacher
Located Next to the
BISD Administration Bldg.
3370 North St.
Beaumont, TX 77706
p: 409-617-5100