Community service hours: how will COVID-19 affect the community service hours requirement?

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As a result of the COVID-19 related school closure in the spring of 2020, Beaumont ECHS did not require students to accumulate service hours for the 4th nine week grading period in the 2019-2020 school year.  This impacted the classes of 2020-2023.  Since that time, the campus has researched several virtual opportunities for students to engage in community service and this has been shared in all PCC classes.  As a result, community service requirements have been adjusted as stated below: 

- All graduating classes through, and including, 2023 can graduate and receive a stole/cord with a minimum of 112 hours.

- For the class of 2024 and beyond, the required 120 hours will be in effect.

Service opportunities must be approved by the campus and details can be found on our Community Service tab on the website.
